IPNA PNSP Teaching Course 2023
IPNA PNSP Teaching Course 2023
IPNA Teaching Course: the first IPNA – PNSP TC on S.A.F.E. Kidneys: Scoring in AKI and Filling the gap in ESRD
IPNA Teaching Course: the first IPNA – PNSP TC on S.A.F.E. Kidneys: Scoring in AKI and Filling the gap in ESRD
Estimados Amigos y colegas, les comunicamos que ya se encuentran disponibles las inscripciones para nuestro XIII Congreso ALANEPE, que se realizará entre el 15 y 18 de noviembre de 2023, en modalidad presencial en Puerto Rico Convention Center, San Juan – Puerto Rico.
On behalf of the Emirates Medical Association - Nephrology and Transplantation Society and its Pediatric Subdivision (EMAN-T), It is our great pleasure and honour to invite you to Dubai and UAE, and to welcome you together with Prof.